Self-Directed IRAs: The Basics
A self-directed Individual Retirement Account (SDIRA) offers investment freedom.
Unlike a conventional IRA that limits investments to stock market assets, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, an SDIRA can hold almost any type of asset, as long as it isn’t prohibited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Common SDIRA Investments
- Real estate
- Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- Secured notes
- Partnerships
- Precious metals
- Loans and notes receivable
Other Types of SDIRA Investments
- Timber rights
- Livestock
- Natural gas
- Private equity
- Start-ups
- Vineyards
- Marinas
- and more
Please note that we do not support direct cryptocurrency investments at this time.
Learn more about all of your SDIRA investment options on our Investment Options page.
What are the benefits of an SDIRA?

Tax advantages
Your savings can grow tax-deferred until retirement, where you may enjoy a lower tax bracket.

Investment flexibility
An SDIRA allows you to hold different asset types—assets that align with your passions and experience—in your account.

Portfolio diversification
Broaden your reach and hedge your investments against market ebbs and flows by investment in assets not tied to the stock market.
Start your self-directed retirement today.